Client Checklist
Thank you for choosing langeDIGITAL to build your website. In order to better serve you, we have compiled a list of important items we need your input on. Not only will this ensure you are fully satisfied with your new website, but it will make the entire website design, development and launch process smoother and more efficient. We will closely collaborate with you and guide you through each item.
Logo and Brand Standards |
Your logo and brand standards (font styles, color palette, etc.) will be used to customize your site. If you do not have one and/or want to refresh your existing one, we can certainly help.
Target Audience and Site Objectives |
Being able to identify your online target audience is critical to your website's success. By understanding who your target is, we will be more successful in reaching and engaging with them. Once we have the target identified, we will also need to understand what the main objectives of your site are. Define a clear "call to action" - what should happen once he/she is on the website (e.g., buy your service/product, book an appointment, etc.).
Keywords |
Identifying and understanding what key terms (or keywords) your target audience will use to find your website will be critical to SEO (search engine optimization). By incorporating and utilizing keywords properly, your website will achieve high search engine rankings as well as high engagement with your target audience.
Inbound Links |
Inbound links are links from other websites that link back to your site. It is important to identify inbound links as they will drive additional traffic to your site as well as increase search engine rankings.
Digital Assets and Multimedia |
We will need to obtain all copy (e.g., content on your site), images, graphics, video, external links, etc. that you would like to include on your website. It is important that you obtain all usage rights for all assets, especially images and graphics. If you are unsure about usage rights, etc., we can help.
Domain Name |
It is important to select a domain name that is both easy to remember but also reflects your business or organization. An existing domain that you own may be used, or a new one may be created.
Client Timing |
We want to make sure we meet your timing expectations. Promotional activities and/or any other factors that will impact your website launch should be communicated and discussed early on in the process.